Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Tui in Our Playground

This morning we went for a walk to inquire about the native birds in our playground.

We talked to this beautiful tui who sang to us.

We're wondering how to attract more native birds to our school and we are going to think some questions to guide our wonderings.

posted by Room 1
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  1. Wow Room 1! What a beautiful playground discovery! I love listening to the Tui sing and would love to see some more native birds in our playground too! Good luck with your inquiry.
    From Mrs Gunn

  2. Room 1 this is such a beautiful shot of the Tui. Did you know I can hear them from my place in the morning at 5am singing in the trees in our school playground. They love the big gum tree at the gate and the tree outside my office. I am really looking forward to you sharing some creative ways for attracting more native birds to our playground.
