Thursday, August 23, 2012

Room 1s information posters

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We have been learning to design an  information poster using the information we collected about dinosaurs during our inquiry. 
Some of the success criteria were to have a message, colour, title and use an image through creative commons.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thomas' story about the death of his dog Tui.

Read Thomas' sad story about the death of his dog Tui. What powerful personal voice he has put in his writing.

It was a normal night and Tui was sitting on her mat.  Mum thought she was having a hard time breathing.  The next morning we took her to the vet.  We had to wait until it was our turn. First they weighed her and then we went into a room.  They said they would have to do an operation.  I felt scared.  The next day Dad took us back to the vet.  We went into a room and they showed us some x-rays which showed the fluid that they had drained out of her.  We took her home and they said to keep an eye on her.  
A week later she was having trouble breathing so Mum took a video on her ipad and we had to put her down.  
I was so sad.  We walked into the room and the vet came in and had an injection for Tui. They put a little bit in then more and more until it was all gone.  
Tui had lost the fight.  There was silence.  Then we wrapped her up and put her in the ute.  We drove home and Dad started to dig a hole.  Once it was finshed he put her into the hole and left her in peace.

by Thomas 

The Lido

WALT use describing words in our writing.

                    At the Lido

When I waited for Karen, me and Emily got tickets to the hydroslide.  I was really nervous because I have never been on a hydroslide before.
I followed Emily carefully up the stairs. My tummy felt like I was going to be sick. I was about to tell Emily I don’t want to do this! But then I had to shake of all my nervous bits. I felt a bit better after that.
Finally the time came. I went up anther bunch of stairs. It made me tired already. Then Emily told me what to do, she said the light was green but it didn’t look green. Emily had all ready gone. It looked like it was going so fast I quickly put my feet in and closed my eyes.
Just then I opened my eyes it was pitch black with red lines all around. 
By Natalie 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Tui in Our Playground

This morning we went for a walk to inquire about the native birds in our playground.

We talked to this beautiful tui who sang to us.

We're wondering how to attract more native birds to our school and we are going to think some questions to guide our wonderings.

posted by Room 1
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Managing Self

 WALT use our SUPER Gospel values.
Last week Mrs Tamatea came in and helped us make up some senarios where we had to make good choices when someone upset us.
She presented each group with an Oscar for our acting.

Keiana and Nicole won the Oscar for best performance.
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Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Feast of the Assumption

WALA the Feast of the Assumption:

Join these pieces together to see what they recreate.

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