Wednesday, December 12, 2012
gabis christmas card
Dear Mummy And Daddy
I hope you have a brilliant Christmas.
Also remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
from Gabriella
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
love passage for kids
If I can speak beautifully and sing like an angel, But don't love others, I sound like a child banging on a piano or a screeching radio. If im very smart--almost a genius--but dont love others, I am nothing.
love will stand in line and wait its turn.
love looks for the good in others.
love doesn't always want what others have and it doesn't brag about what it does have
love is polite, even when the other person is rude.
love doesn't have to be first.
love doesn't get angrey over small things,and it doesnt's remember one reason after another to be hurt.
love isn't happy when someone else fails but is happy with the truth.
love will always protect others,especially those who are often picked on or teased.
love always belives the best about others and is steady and true.
love never gives up.
The three most important things to have
are faith, hope and love
but the greatest of these is love
By Taye
love will stand in line and wait its turn.
love looks for the good in others.
love doesn't always want what others have and it doesn't brag about what it does have
love is polite, even when the other person is rude.
love doesn't have to be first.
love doesn't get angrey over small things,and it doesnt's remember one reason after another to be hurt.
love isn't happy when someone else fails but is happy with the truth.
love will always protect others,especially those who are often picked on or teased.
love always belives the best about others and is steady and true.
love never gives up.
The three most important things to have
are faith, hope and love
but the greatest of these is love
By Taye
Friday, November 16, 2012
solar eclipse
Today their was a solar eclipse it was crashing on my eyes. It felt like my eyes were on fire and it felt like my body was smoking to death. I felt like I was going to die only me. the moon and sun reflects the earth to burn peoples eyes and to kill people too. At 11:49 when we were walking over to the hall. when we got back it moved.
by Joshua Studholme.
Today their was a solar eclipse it was crashing on my eyes. It felt like my eyes were on fire and it felt like my body was smoking to death. I felt like I was going to die only me. the moon and sun reflects the earth to burn peoples eyes and to kill people too. At 11:49 when we were walking over to the hall. when we got back it moved.
by Joshua Studholme.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The eclipse
Today a fantastic eclipse was upon us. There was a glimpse of sun light always gleaming on me.It was the first eclipse I have seen. I personaly think that it is amazing how the sun the moon and the eath line up.The eclipse felt like when ever I saw it blinded my eyes as if I was on the sun.
by Keiana
by Keiana
Solar eclipse
A eclipse happens when the moon covers the sun. The eclipes starts when the moom blocks the sun light. Soon the earth grows colder and colder. It is like it is the middle of the night!!
- Never look at an eclipse with a telescope or binoculars
- Never look at a eclipse with outprotection
- by Jordan
It was day then suddenly a solar eclipse appeared out of no where covering the suns hotness and covering the day. It was getting darker and cold shivering in the inside of me.Then it stopped. Then two more appeared.I was looking at it and burned my eyes like roast turkey. This could be the first solar eclipse I ever saw. Or it could get much worse because it might happen again in the next 18 years! by By Fletcher
Gabi's fantastic day
Today something spectacular happened. I looked up into the sky. Suddenly I felt like my eyes disintegrated. A flash of light hit my eyes. When I looked away I could not see anything but yellow?
I wondered what had happened.
I wondered what had happened.
Today there was a solar eclipse and it ripped my eyes out.[I could hardly see]
It was beaming down on me sizzling my eyes as if they were on a barbecue.
It was amazing.
By Joshua Evans
Every 18 years there is a solar eclipse. Today it was getting darker and cold like night time. The moon was shimering over the earth and it was moving so so slowly as if it was a sloth. And as it was rising upon us everyone outside was going crazier than ever.
By Emily gunn
It had come.The first solar eclipse I had ever seen.The sun was shining and then randomly out of nowhere the moon came!The surface of the sun reflected on the moon.The sun ray beamed on the outer side of the moon and shone on us.
It had come.The first solar eclipse I had ever seen.The sun was shining and then randomly out of nowhere the moon came!The surface of the sun reflected on the moon.The sun ray beamed on the outer side of the moon and shone on us.
Solar Eclipse
Today there was an amazing solar eclipse. It's like it's baking my eyes.
The moon is making it better and cooler by making a shield of light.If you look at it for a while you can become blind but this only happens every 18 years.
by Alex.C
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I am learning to write a book review
My name is Lewis and at the moment I'm reading a book about Mrs Gillbanks nephew and the book is called called See Ya Simon. This book was recommended to me by Mrs Gillbanks and it was a memory of her nephew nick who died. Not because he was growing old and not because he was murded, but because he has muscular dystrophy.
Wednesday 17 October: Simon had a wheel chair that was manual but over the holidays his bones got allot weaker so now he has an electrical wheel chair. Today I read that Simon's class had their photo and you could see the change in Simon's development.From strong and healthy like us to weak and tired.
Friday 19 October: On the way home from school simon's wheel chair battery ran out and so his friend had to push the chair. The downside for his friend is that now simon has an automatic wheel chair it's a lot heavier than his manual chair.
Wednsday 24 October: At the moment the auther is going through simons child hood and how kids parents did'nt feel comtible with their kids near simon. Because some kid started a rumar that simon had aids and that was why he's sick.
Wednesday 17 October: Simon had a wheel chair that was manual but over the holidays his bones got allot weaker so now he has an electrical wheel chair. Today I read that Simon's class had their photo and you could see the change in Simon's development.From strong and healthy like us to weak and tired.
Friday 19 October: On the way home from school simon's wheel chair battery ran out and so his friend had to push the chair. The downside for his friend is that now simon has an automatic wheel chair it's a lot heavier than his manual chair.
Wednsday 24 October: At the moment the auther is going through simons child hood and how kids parents did'nt feel comtible with their kids near simon. Because some kid started a rumar that simon had aids and that was why he's sick.
Monday, October 15, 2012
WALT use position and orientation

By Room 1
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
WALT use information from our reading to write a poem.
Rain goes
in a water cycle when rain and water make puddles
then it start’s to evaporate
into the clouds and comes back down,
that’s when it rains,
then keeps going
round and round.
By Taye
WALT use information from our reading to write a poem.
Clouds float low and high
in the glimmering blue sky.
They help our plants grow tall and strong.
Clouds give the rivers water to flow.
They also give the sea some water so we can
jump in with a one, two, three.
By Kurtis
WALT use information from our reading to write a poem.
Clouds help our
plants grow.
They travel
through the sky.
They make me
happy-they make me sad.
They bring me joy-
they make me mad.
Clouds are
wonderful every season of the year.
By Elizabeth
WALT use information from our reading to write a poem.
Clouds fly in the sky.
They look beautiful when they are high.
You wish you were tall enough to see that every cloud is different.
By Alyssa
WALT use our new knowledge about clouds to write a poem.
Clouds floating in the sky
sometimes low sometimes high.
Some clouds are black
and some clouds are white
and when it rains and it has
the clouds evaporate the left over
drops of rain.
By Joshua
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Room 1s information posters
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Thomas' story about the death of his dog Tui.
Read Thomas' sad story about the death of his dog Tui. What powerful personal voice he has put in his writing.
It was a
normal night and Tui was sitting on her mat.
Mum thought she was having a hard time breathing. The next morning we took her to the vet. We had to wait until it was our turn. First
they weighed her and then we went into a room.
They said they would have to do an operation. I felt scared. The next day Dad took us back to the
vet. We went into a room and they showed
us some x-rays which showed the fluid that they had drained out of her. We took her home and they said to keep an eye
on her.
A week later she was having
trouble breathing so Mum took a video on her ipad and we had to put her
I was so sad. We walked into the room and the vet came in
and had an injection for Tui. They put a little bit in then more and more until
it was all gone.
Tui had lost the
fight. There was silence. Then we wrapped her up and put her in the
ute. We drove home and Dad started to
dig a hole. Once it was finshed he put
her into the hole and left her in peace.
by Thomas
The Lido
WALT use describing words in our writing.
At the Lido
When I waited for Karen, me and Emily got tickets to the hydroslide. I was really nervous because I have never been on a hydroslide before.
I followed Emily carefully up the stairs. My tummy felt like I was going to be sick. I was about to tell Emily I don’t want to do this! But then I had to shake of all my nervous bits. I felt a bit better after that.
Finally the time came. I went up anther bunch of stairs. It made me tired already. Then Emily told me what to do, she said the light was green but it didn’t look green. Emily had all ready gone. It looked like it was going so fast I quickly put my feet in and closed my eyes.
Just then I opened my eyes it was pitch black with red lines all around.
By Natalie
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
A Tui in Our Playground
Managing Self
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The Feast of the Assumption
WALA the Feast of the Assumption:
Join these pieces together to see what they recreate.
provided by
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The St James' Gala
WALT apply our maths knowledge in real life contexts.
We had a great discussion about our class collection for the Gala. One student thought we would win the class competition for donating the most goods as we have the biggest class.(28) However the donations are based on a percentage because we have to be fair to students in small classes.
We then explored the idea of percentages and how many bags of sugar we would need this week to get 50%? (14)
Next we decided to find out our daily percentage of sugar donations for this week. Today (Thursday) we had 15 bags and that came to 53.57%. Anthony rounded this up to 54%.
A wondering though.......since Tim brought a 5kg bag, does that equal 3 bags?
Posted by Room 1
Friday, May 18, 2012
Dinosaur drawing which connected maths, reading, and our inquiry.
We drew
a dinosaur…
For reading last week, the kakariki group and Miss Pedersen read a
story about a class of children who drew a giant dinosaur outside on the
concrete. We enjoyed the story so much that we decided to draw a dinosaur of
our own!
Here’s what we did:
We were then buddied up with someone else in our
dinosaurs body for us to focus on. This was important
because even though it was a group activity, it would
have been hard to have 9 people trying to draw the same
Then, we got to work!
Sometimes, we worked together…
And other times, we worked independently.
Miss Pedersen even got
stuck in!
We used a lot of chalk and got quite dirty!
Our dinosaur finally started to take shape!
It even tried to eat us!
After lots of colouring, our
dinosaur was finally finished
We were really happy and proud of our creation.
So was Miss Pedersen!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tomorrow is ANZAC day. The day where great grandfathers, fathers, uncles, aunties, mothers and fathers all died.
We wear poppies on ANZAC day because they grow in the battle fields.
By Elizabeth Tichbon
My Story about the Weetbix Tryathlon
I parked and I got some breakfast from the breakfast bar. Then I had to put my bike away in the transport area and had the race briefing. I got to meet one of the Australian basketball players. Then we got started to do the Tryathlon. I warmed up and then swam for fifty metres! And I finished the swimming and then I had to do the biking. I got my bike from the transport area and then I biked from the Lido and I went around the houses. Then into the forest. Then around the corner. Then back into the transport area. I put my bike away and I started to run all around Ongley Park and I finished the Weetbix Trythlon Series and I got a golden medal. I got my time and I came first place and I got a picture taken and got a Weetbix drink bottle.
by Sean Faulkner
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Ceasar the ANZAC Dog
There was a dog named Caesar who was a red cross dog in the army. He went hunting for wounded and dead solders when Tom and the stretcher bearers were out in no mans land.
One day Tom sent Caesar out to hunt for dead and wounded men at night. Caesar did not come back. Tom knew he had to wait till day light before he went hunting for him.
The next morning Tom and the stretcher bearers went hunting for Caesar. One of the stretcher bearers yelled he’s over here. Caesar was dead. He was shot in the chest while lying by a dead New Zealand solder.
posted and written By Joshua Evans
Friday, February 17, 2012
WALA soccer skills.
Shane Rufer came to teach us soccer skills today. We learnt a lot about dribbling and controlling the ball. However the biggest lesson we learnt was about our Key Competency -Participating and contributing. After a while we found that some of us got very impatient with others and didn't play well in our team. We discussed what our school Gospel value UNITY looks like and decided to use this more. Mrs Cosgrove showed us how there is no I in TEAM. We are going to call our class Team1s and try to apply this Gospel value.
Posted by Mrs Cosgrove free online photo editor
Team1s wow assembly!
WALT create music using an instrument.
Today Team1s played the ukelele at the Middle Team Assembly. They remembered the key points from the lesson which were to hold the ukelele correctly, strum in time and play C7. They produced a beautiful sound and played an encore.
Posted by Mrs Cosgrove
WALT be safe and confident in the water
Anthony took these photos of Team1s lesson at the swimming pool. His photos show students gliding, learning to float on their backs, and using arms for backstroke.
Posted by Mrs Cosgrove free online photo editor
Monday, February 13, 2012
WALT interview our Talking Partner
Posted by Mrs Cosgrove
WALT use the Key Competencies
In Room 1 we have been learning to work co operatively using the Relating to Others Key Competency. These photos show us exploring our island senario. To do this we had to listen to others ideas and accept those even if they were different to ours. We also had to encourage each person in our group to particpate.
Posted by Mrs Cosgrove free online photo editor
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Hi from Mrs Cosgrove
Hi Room 1.
Have you had a look at studyladder yet? Remember these simple steps and you can go in and have fun with the maths we're learning.
- Click on the group you are in. e.g. studyladder orange.
- If your name is there, you are in the right group.
- Click on the part where it says password and enter your password.
- Scroll down and click on maths set tasks. Those are the ones I have bookmarked for you about what we are studying in maths.
Love from Mrs Cosgrove
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